Il Postino sponsors Help Santa Toy Parade

Merry Christmas! Buon Natale! Joyeux Noël!
Read More= The Italian-Canadian Newspaper of the Ottawa Area =
Merry Christmas! Buon Natale! Joyeux Noël!
Read MoreOur photos from the Raising the Roof at Villa Marconi celebrating 10 years honouring the Lombardi Family. Photos by Giovanni.
Read MoreIt was founded in 1992 by the late Mario Tofano this is the 21st year in existence which is something to be proud of for a small association like ours. Pratola Peligna is a small town in Abruzzo provincia L’Aquila…
Read MoreThis past Friday Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau addressed over 1,000 Liberal supporters at the Party’s AGM in Markham. He spoke about the Party’s message of “Hope and Hard Work” and about the need to build the team and the plan…
Read MoreFinalmente i COMITES saranno rinnovati, dopo cinque anni di attesa dalla scadenza. Ma per poter partecipare al voto è necessario iscriversi subito nell’elenco degli elettori del proprio consolato. Nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 179 del 4 agosto 2014, infatti, è stato…
Read MoreAntonio Giannetti employs the services of over 100 networked associates in Italy , each an expert in their respective area of law and each retained on as needed basis . As a result our precedent library and knowledge base rival…
Read MoreToday I’m featuring one of my favourite summer foods: pitticelle di riso. Pitticelle are like “fritters” (you’ll remember I’ve featured a few on the blog already like pitticelle cucuzze and pitticelle di pane). The ingredients for this fritter aren’t so…
Read MoreThe Trip to Italy. Starring Steve Coogan & Rob Brydon, Directed by Michael Winterbottom The Plot: Two quasi-friend comedians embark on a scenic road trip around Italy for six meals in six different places. The Verdict: Go ahead, take this…
Read More20 June 2014 / Ottawa – Mayor Jim Watson unveiled an art installation, the renovated theatre, and reception hall kitchen at the Bronson Centre this past Friday. Sister Joan Cronin Superior General of the Grey Sisters was there to celebrate….
Read MoreMichael Winterbottom’s largely improvised 2010 film, “The Trip,” took comedians Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon—or semifictionalized versions thereof—on a restaurant tour around northern England. In this witty and incisive follow-up, Winterbottom reunites the pair for a new culinary road trip,…
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