Il Postino sponsors Help Santa Toy Parade

Merry Christmas! Buon Natale! Joyeux Noël!
Read More= The Italian-Canadian Newspaper of the Ottawa Area =
Merry Christmas! Buon Natale! Joyeux Noël!
Read MoreOur photos from the Raising the Roof at Villa Marconi celebrating 10 years honouring the Lombardi Family. Photos by Giovanni.
Read MoreIn my last column we talked about the harvest, as being the first step in the wine process in the fall. Obviously, if vines are not planted then no wine will be produced. Once the grapes are picked by hand…
Read MoreIt was in 2011 that my excitement began to rise with the news that the 2014 Club Crew World Championships for Dragon Boating would take place in Ravenna, Italy. Our team, the Ottawa Premier Women “Galley Girls”, wanted to…
Read MoreCarissimi Connazionali, Sono felice di rivolgermi nuovamente a voi per augurare a tutti ed a ciascuno di voi, alle vostre famiglie ed ai vostri amici un sereno Natale ed un Felice Anno Nuovo colmo di successi e di soddisfazioni. L’anno…
Read MoreIt was founded in 1992 by the late Mario Tofano this is the 21st year in existence which is something to be proud of for a small association like ours. Pratola Peligna is a small town in Abruzzo provincia L’Aquila…
Read MoreMr. Farnetti-Bragaglia officially recognizes Operation HUSKY soldiers that saved his life. Italian town of Torrice, Canadian soldiers Paul Hagen and Ike Klassen investigated the sounds of what they believed to be a dog in distress. Instead, the two men stumbled…
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