Issue: June 2014 Vol. 15 No. 9

Senigallia a mollo, ma non molla

SENIGALLIA, LE MARCHE Visiting Senigallia for the first time is like being single, meeting a good looking guy, and discovering that he has a great personality too. It’s easy to fall in love. Because Senigallia may be small, but it…

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Luigi Chinetti’s Life was Dedicated to Motorsport

With a life dedicated to cars and motorsport, Mr. Luigi Chinetti remains one of the most important figures in automotive and racing history. He was a mechanic, racer, salesman and importer. He was the man who persuaded Mr. Enzo Ferrari,…

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Messaggio dell’Ambasciatore Gian Lorenzo Cornado

Carissimi Italiani ed Italocanadesi, sono molto felice di celebrare assieme a voi, per la seconda volta, la Festa della Repubblica. Quest’anno  organizzeremo le celebrazioni assieme a voi, ai Comites, al CGIE e agli organi rappresentativi della comunità  italo-canadese perché la…

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