Category: News


Un giorno nel Paradiso Terrestre Dio chiama Adamo e gli dice: “E’ l’ora che tu ed Eva iniziate a popolare la Terra, perciò voglio che la baci”. Adamo risponde che non sa cos’è un bacio e così Dio glielo spiega….

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Memories to Memorial (Part 02):

The Internment of Ottawa’s Italian Canadians during the Second World War Historical Background On June 10, 1940 under the authority of the War Measures Act, Prime Minister MacKenzie King (in concert with the United States of America and the Government…

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Antinori and the History of Wine in Tuscany

di Fabrizio Magnanini   Piero Antinori just wrote his autobiograpphy and he called it “the fragrance of Chianti” (il profumo del Chianti). The book is very interesting even for people who are not expert about italian wine: it’s his personal…

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Bin Laden Capture Will Be An Italian Corker of An Event

A friend of then-CIA chief Leon Panetta said he’d finally open a $10,000 bottle of wBINe when Panetta caught the Al Qaeda leader. A pouring is planned for this New Year’s Eve. The U.S. government offered a $25-million bounty for…

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Sixth Annual Make a Wish Gala!

Article / Photos GioVanni The Sixth Annual Make-A-Wish® Foundation Three Wishes Gala took place at the Hampton Inn and Conference Center. Twelve families who have received a wish from the Eastern Ontario chapter in the past year have been invited…

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