Memories to Memorial: Part 6

Memories to Memorial: The Internment of Ottawa’s Italian Canadians during the Second World War – Part 6 Family Memories of Internment Gino Tiezzi Italo Tiezzi was only seven years old, and his brother Silvio was eleven, when their father Gino Tiezzi was arrested…

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So many questions, so many appointments, so little time…

By Dosi Cotroneo Recently I got to thinking. Why is it that the majority of Italian immigrants of my parents’ generation end up with dentures? I suppose the lack of education regarding oral hygiene, a global depression followed by a world war, could…

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Inaugurazione del Museo Palazzo de’ Mayo Fondazione Carichieti

CHIETI – In un clima di grande fiducia e impegno verso la comunità La Fondazione Carichieti annuncia l’imminente apertura delle collezioni permanenti al Museo Palazzo de’ Mayo. Dal 2 giugno 2012 saranno aperte al pubblico le sale che occupano l’intero secondo piano del…

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Antonio Lofaro, Ottawa Citizen Reporter

Antonio Lofaro was born in Campo Calabro, Calabria, a small town near Reggio Calabria. In 1955, his parents, Giovanni and Maria, like so many other Calabrese in post-war Italy, moved the family to Canada looking for a better life. Antonio was about 18…

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Pretoro: Enchanted land between the sky and the sea

Pretoro, in the province of Chieti, is a town of about 1100 inhabitants, located on a steep hillside on the eastern side of the Maiella at an elevation of 1800 feet. Its proximity to the ski slopes of Passo Lanciano, only 6 miles…

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“L’altra Italia”: storie d’emigrazione degli Italiani all’estero

“L’altra Italia”: storie d’emigrazione degli Italiani all’estero L’ultimo libro di Goffredo Palmerini presentato nel Nord-Est di Lia Di Menco * BELLUNO – Di solito sono gli amici cari quelli che spostandosi da un’estremità all’altra di un Paese, si vedono circondati dall’affetto di amici,…

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