Category: book

Memories to Memorial (Part 02):

The Internment of Ottawa’s Italian Canadians during the Second World War Historical Background On June 10, 1940 under the authority of the War Measures Act, Prime Minister MacKenzie King (in concert with the United States of America and the Government…

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Antinori and the History of Wine in Tuscany

di Fabrizio Magnanini   Piero Antinori just wrote his autobiograpphy and he called it “the fragrance of Chianti” (il profumo del Chianti). The book is very interesting even for people who are not expert about italian wine: it’s his personal…

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Tiziana Grassi: “La poesia abita la vita, ne fa parte”

ROMA – Scrivere poesia permette di percepire volti, persone, incontri, situazioni come straordinarie dimensioni amplificanti, che regalano nuovi “sguardi”: esordisce così Tiziana Grassi, poetessa e giornalista, in un’intervista pubblicata da Parla della raccolta “Senza sponde” pubblicata da Nemapress edizioni,…

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Memories to Memorial (Part 01):

The Internment of Ottawa’s Italian Canadians during the Second World War PREFACE “Those who ignore history’s lessons in the ultimate folly of war are forced to do more than relive them.they may be forced to die by them.” Dan Simmons,…

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