S. Nicola da Crissa

A Trip to the Past by Genevieve Forte I grew up listening to my dad tell stories about his hometown in Southern Italy. My dad is a wonder ful story teller and he painted a picture for me of Italy…
Read More= The Italian-Canadian Newspaper of the Ottawa Area =
A Trip to the Past by Genevieve Forte I grew up listening to my dad tell stories about his hometown in Southern Italy. My dad is a wonder ful story teller and he painted a picture for me of Italy…
Read Moreby ANGELO FILOSO In 1851 there were only eleven families in Ottawa whose mother tongue was Italian. These families lived in lower town around Sussex Drive and Murray Street. In 1908 some of these families moved to the Preston Street…
Read Moredi ZELJKA GASPAR Il 31 agosto l’ambasciata italiana ha di nuovo aperto i suoi cancelli. E di nuovo è stato per una buona causa. Questa volta si è trattato della raccolta di fondi a beneficio di Opera Lyra, la compagnia…
Read MoreAn angel from the ‘Italian Village’ by Zeljka Gaspar I met Mrs. Mary Ierullo one Friday morning when the harsh sound of an ongoing construction machine was drowned out by the voices of children who were playing on Willow St….
Read More“No One Covers the Fig Tree” by Giacomo Moscatelli I was well into adulthood before I realized that I was a Cana dian. Of course, I had been born in Canada and had lived here all my life, but somehow…
Read MoreLife in Italy ; From Italo Search; Glauco Ferrari ; In Italy, as in many parts of the world, social structures and norms have changed dramatically over the last 20 years. What were once totally normal standards and traditional customs…
Read MoreEvento di chiusura del XII Festival internazionale di musica Pietre che cantano L’AQUILA – Si è tenuto, l’1 e 2 ottobre, al Monastero di S. Spirito d’Ocre, il convegno “Archeologia del passato, archeologia del futuro”, che ha chiuso la XII…
Read MoreIn un libro l’avvincente viaggio, 8000 chilometri a piedi in due anni, d’un giovane emigrato abruzzese di Goffredo Palmerini L’AQUILA – Sarà presentata il 17 dicembre, con un convegno sull’emigrazione – cui parteciperanno Parlamentari (Mariza Bafile, Massimo Cialente…
Read MoreBy Renato Rizzuti When you ask an older generation Calabrese person how they are doing, you are likely to hear the phrase, “Se tira avante.” This expression represents the “philosophy of Calabrese contentment.” Translated literally, it means “I am…
Read MoreThe word broccoli is originally Italian; it is the plural of broccolo, which is the diminutive of brocco, meaning shoot, stalk. Broccoli is a cultivar of wild cabbage, remaining exactly the same species. Wild cabbage originated along the northern and…
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