Category: News

The Philosophy of Calabrese Contentment

By Renato Rizzuti   When you ask an older generation Calabrese person how they are doing, you are likely to hear the phrase, “Se tira avante.” This expression represents the “philosophy of Calabrese contentment.” Translated literally, it means “I am…

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Un abete bianco della Sila in Vaticano per

Graziella Laboccetta   Alto 40 metri, spuntano 32, dal peso di circa 95 quintali, dalla circonferenza di 3 metri, questo magnifico esemplare della Sila calabrese è stato sacrificato per farne dono al pontefice ed ornare la piazza della cristianità. Che…

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A Unique Christmas Tradition

Santino Filoso   Nowadays, for many North Americans the symbol of Christmas is a Christmas tree, all decorated and lit up, but if you ask an Italian what their symbol of Christmas is you will be told that it is…

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Letter to the Editor

Council is embarrassment to Ottawa I am staggered by the epic and grotesque stupidity of Mayor Larry O’Brien and the gang of 12 councillors who voted to kill the light-rail transit project. They have singlehandedly: thrown away $62million in getting…

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The oldest Pretorese in Ottawa and Pretoro, Chieti

Celebrating 100 Years of Life! Assunta Difederico Buon Compleanno January 21st 1909.  Pro Loco Mirastelle – Pretoro Catrum Pretorii 2008 Premio e riconoscimento a Giuseppe Di Federico Al grande Jos’ Avev’ Jos’ sol’ sédici  ann’, quand’ luntan’ a it’ a…

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