Category: News


Pescara, gennaio 2011 Spett. “lL POSTINO” Direttore Angelo Filoso Ottawa   inviarLe una breve testimonianza della nostra terra, sicuramente viva nella Sua memoria L’Associazione Culturale “ll Tratturo Folclore d’Abruzzo” di Pescara, nell’ambito delle sue molteplici attivita ricreative, con l’impegno suI…

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City of Ottawa 2011 Budget

Earlier today City Council adopted Budget 2011, and a tax increase of 2.45%, slightly below the 2.5% maximum total tax increase directed by the newly elected Council on December 15, 2010. Budget 2011’s tax increase of 2.45% for urban home…

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La storia del “cravattino” Chevrolet

di Lino Manocchia   NEW YORK , 31 Marzo ’11 – Dai tempi in cui fu presentato dal cofondatore dell’azienda, William C. Durant, nel 1913, nel 1913, il logo del “cravattino” di Chevrolet è diventatofamoso in tutto il mondo. Chevrolet esisteva da soli…

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Italian Cuisine Wasn’t Cooked Up in a Day

USA TODAY; By Don Oldenburg; Eating Italian will never be the same after reading John Mariani’s entertaining and savory gastronomical history of the cuisine of Italy and how it won over appetites worldwide. Doubt that? Mariani makes an exhaustively convincing case for…

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The Shores of Jersey are Brainwashing Viewers

The Fredonia Leader; By Kelley Lord;   Well into season three of MTV’s reality show Jersey Shore, the series has inspired fake tans, bedazzled shirts and disastrous lifestyles. After surveying over fifty Fredonia students at random as well as faculty and staff…

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Beware of “assembly required”

By Dosi Cotroneo I always thought of myself as a sensible consumer who was wary of the following labels: “Made in China”, “Assembly Required”, “As Is” and “Final Sale”. A seasoned shopper, I suppose some of us just have to learn the…

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Fast Cars to Latin Lovers: Italy’s Top 15 Cultural Exports

1. Claudia Cardinale Some might say Loren, some Lollobrigida, some Bellucci, but of all the Italian screen goddesses who dominated postwar western cinema, it was Ms Cardinale who took the Garibaldi. Equally ravishing when tousled (The Professionals), or tightly coiffed (The Leopard), playing bosomy peasant…

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I gatti del quartiere la sera si lisciano i baffi e limano le unghie per farsi belli con le gattine. Un gatto ancora piccolo, vedendoli sempre andare via senza di lui, cerca di farsi portare con loro ma li trova…

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Letter to the Editor

Caro ‘Il Postino’, un amico canadese mi ha suggerito di scrivervi per presentarvi il progetto ‘Buon Compleanno Italia’ che rientra tra le celebrazioni ufficiali dei 150 anni dell’Unità d’Italia e per chiedervi di scrivere un articolo sul vostro giornale che…

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