Miracolo di San Domenico AB. A re-enactment of the miracle of Saint Domenic

= The Italian-Canadian Newspaper of the Ottawa Area =
Memories to Memorial: The Internment of Ottawa’s Italian Canadians during the Second World War Part 6 Family Memories of Internment Carlo Scarabelli It was a refrigerator that prompted Carlo Scarabelli to leave his position as chef at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New…
Read MoreCommunity members see people exiting Hair Republic | Salon on a daily basis with freshly trimmed tresses but what many do not realize is who is behind the brand and what it entirely represents. As a recent addition to the Old Ottawa South…
Read MoreMACERATA – E’ l’altra parte dell’Italia, quella laboriosa, dignitosa, rispettosa delle regole, capace di esprimersi e di costruire, quella raccontata da Goffredo Palmerini nel volume “L’Altra Italia”, edito da One Group Edizioni e presentato ieri a Macerata, nella sala degli Specchi della biblioteca Mozzi…
Read MoreOttawa – Il 21 Febbraio, presso il St. Anthony Soccer Club, la BIA, Business Improvement Association di Preston Street, ha presentato il rapporto annuale relativo al 2011 e illustrato il programma e le linee di intervento, con relativa copertura finanziaria, per il…
Read MoreBeyond Barbed Wire/Behind Barbed Wire Due nuove pubblicazioni sull’internamento degli italo-canadesi durante la seconda guerra mondiale Montreal – Lo scorso 16 Marzo, presso la Casa d’Italia, edificio simbolo della comunità italiana in Canada, sono stati presentati due libri appena pubblicati dall’editore Guernica, in…
Read MoreDomenico Cellucci Recently, a dear friend asked me to write about the wines of his birthplace: Molise. This beautiful region is located in Central Italy. It is surrounded by Abruzzo to the north, Lazio to the north-west, Campania to the south-west and Puglia…
Read MoreBy Dosi Cotroneo According to my new time management CD’s, I was shocked to discover that I am apparently one of those people who tend to “fritter their days away”, completely unaware of the passage of time, the management of time, and owning…
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