Peter Scott

“Il sacrestano” of St. Anthony’s Church by Zeljka Gaspar If there is a place that is the heart and soul of the Italian- Canadian community of Ottawa, then it is the Church of St. Anthony. And if there is a…
Read More= The Italian-Canadian Newspaper of the Ottawa Area =
“Il sacrestano” of St. Anthony’s Church by Zeljka Gaspar If there is a place that is the heart and soul of the Italian- Canadian community of Ottawa, then it is the Church of St. Anthony. And if there is a…
Read MoreA Trip to the Past by Genevieve Forte I grew up listening to my dad tell stories about his hometown in Southern Italy. My dad is a wonder ful story teller and he painted a picture for me of Italy…
Read MoreAfter our first issue was released we got a lot of great fan mail. We love to hear from our readers. here are some of our favourite letters. Doing a great job I have just read the first edition of…
Read MoreThe best of Italian food in Ottawa by GENEVIEVE FORTE Without a doubt, Italian culture has made its biggest impact upon Canadian culture in the domain of cuisine. Luckily for us, this means that Ottawa boasts a number of fine…
Read Moreby RAOUF HANNA Physiotherapy refers to the treatment of various medical conditions using manual therapy, exercises and modalities such as ultrasound, interferential, T.E.N.S. and laser therapy for pain relief. Orthopaedic conditions treated include various sports/ work related injuries, acute/ chronic…
Read Moreby ANGELO FILOSO In 1851 there were only eleven families in Ottawa whose mother tongue was Italian. These families lived in lower town around Sussex Drive and Murray Street. In 1908 some of these families moved to the Preston Street…
Read More…Al Fresco by GENEVIEVE FORTE On July 29, Ottawa was treated to a performance by Quartetto Gelato, at the Governor Generals’ outdoor summer concert series. Over 4,000 people attended this event on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Quartetto Gelato is a…
Read Morepar ANGELO FILOSO L’été dernier, plusieurs pays du bassin méditerranéen ont été en proie a une forte vague de chaleur qui a fait fondre les glaciers et provoqué de nombreux incendies tandis que la population supportait tant bien que mal…
Read MoreUn teatro all’aperto’ di ZELJKA GASPAR Le notizie della vita di San Rocco sono poche e incerte. Si crede che fosse nato a Montpellier in Francia nel XIII secolo. Si racconta che andò pellegrino a Roma dopo aver distribuito i…
Read Moredi ZELJKA GASPAR Il 31 agosto l’ambasciata italiana ha di nuovo aperto i suoi cancelli. E di nuovo è stato per una buona causa. Questa volta si è trattato della raccolta di fondi a beneficio di Opera Lyra, la compagnia…
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