Ottawa Firefighters Community Foundation presents a $50,000 cheque to repay loan to the City of Ottawa

A photo gallery of the event.
Read More= The Italian-Canadian Newspaper of the Ottawa Area =
A photo gallery of the event.
Read MoreDear Friends: I’m pleased to announce that, tomorrow, we’ll be swearing-in our new Ontario Liberal Cabinet. It’s an experienced Cabinet that will guide Ontario through global uncertainty by focusing on building a strong Ontario economy. Ontario Liberals know that a…
Read MoreSalvo Iavarone / Presidente Asmef / Anche quest’ anno abbiamo incontrato le comunità di italiani all’ estero, per la quarta volta, dopo oramai sei edizioni della rassegna “Giornate dell’ Emigrazione”. E’ importante far partire i progetti, pensarli, avviarli….
Read MoreWho are some of the greatest artists with whom you performed? You know I’ve been fortunate to have performed and worked with many wonderful and talented people from Miles Davis and BB King to Bono, Eric Clapton, Sting and Brian…
Read MoreNella sala del Consiglio comunale di Lanciano, mercoledì 12 ottobre scorso, la stessa assemblea ha decretato, favorevolmente e all’unanimità, l’ingresso del Comune della Majella durante i lavori di seduta. La richiesta di Roccamontepiano era stata avanzata dal sindaco Adamo Carulli…
Read MoreUn giorno nel Paradiso Terrestre Dio chiama Adamo e gli dice: “E’ l’ora che tu ed Eva iniziate a popolare la Terra, perciò voglio che la baci”. Adamo risponde che non sa cos’è un bacio e così Dio glielo spiega….
Read MoreThe 10 Most Important People in History We’ve listed here our take on the 10 most important people in history. How they got on that list depends on the influence they had on their contemporaries and the rest of the…
Read MoreLife in Italy ; From Italo Search; Glauco Ferrari ; In Italy, as in many parts of the world, social structures and norms have changed dramatically over the last 20 years. What were once totally normal standards and traditional customs…
Read MoreArticle / Photos GioVanni On a lovely Thursday evening a friend of mine and I decided to venture out and try a restaurant which we had been hearing great reviews. Being on a strict gluten free diet, it was only…
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