Spring Vegetables

Monterosso, Liguria – Spring means lots of things here in Italy. Little flowers peeking through damp soil, pink blossoms opening on cherry trees, kumquats glowing orange against lush green leaves, and most importantly, the return of color and fun vegetables…

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The Revenge of the Milanese Butcher

This is a murder mystery (comedy?!) about food and Italy, with a little romance mixed in, that stars Gertrude Wine, a smart and independent American chef with great sense of humor… And her snarky inner voice that just won’t shut…

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Un Bicchiere di Vino con Il Postino

Lenny Recanati As we approach Easter, this month’s column will touch upon the holy land and wine making. I will introduce you to an interesting figure with an Italian connection playing a big role in the development of excellent quality…

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Italian Proverbs

1. U MUNZIGNARU CHIANCI MEGGHIU. The liar cries best of all. 2. CHI DORME NON PIGLIA PESCI, LE ORE DEL MATTINO HANNO L’ORO IN BOCCA. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. The early bird catches…

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Retirees’ Options for Accessing Home Equity

Close to 11 million Canadians – 60 percent of the workforce – do not have access to a workplace pension plan, according to the Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP), which suggests that a looming pension crisis may lie ahead…

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