Canadian Soldiers Brought Me Back To Life

Mr. Farnetti-Bragaglia officially recognizes Operation HUSKY soldiers that saved his life. Italian town of Torrice, Canadian soldiers Paul Hagen and Ike Klassen investigated the sounds of what they believed to be a dog in distress. Instead, the two men stumbled…

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Clutter, thy name is “bomboniera”

It starts off rather slowly. A wedding here, a christening there, heck, even the odd engagement party or bridal shower. Suddenly, the typical Italian’s idea of the party guest “loot bag” is taking over shelves, ledges, and just about any…

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A Nature Lover’s Dream Camigliatello, Sila Grande

CAMIGLIATELLO, CALABRIA Home to some of the cleanest and most beautiful beaches on both the Tyrrhenian and Ionian coast, Calabria is also home to three National Parks and mountain ranges offering breathtaking views and unique nature excursions. Il Parco Nazionale…

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Ermanno, un eroe dei nostri giorni

Molisano d’origine, nel suo incessante peregrinare intorno al mondo non ha mai rinunciato alle proprie radici, esaltandone tradizioni e valori.  Il mio primo incontro con Ermanno La Riccia risale agli anni Sessanta quando, in seguito ad un’ardua lotta ideologica e…

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Dutch Honour Fallen Italian Canadian Soldier

This grey month of remembrance will no doubt have special meaning this year for the family of one young man from Ottawa’s Italian community who lost his life nearly 70 years ago and who was recently honoured with a special…

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